One Man’s 8 year Journey Part # 4

April 16, 2018 1:28 pm

<<<<The beginning <<<<Part #3 <<<


The current and the future

I’ll keep this BNI as much as possible but 2017 was a bad year for Marvel- but with the right outlook and approach, it was one full of many valuable lessons.

After a change in personnel and roles we are ready to push things forward- by the way I’ve spoken about these reasons in other blogs (industry changes, being knocked etc.), nothing is a secret, I want to share those lessons.

We are now in two chapters, Fortune and Chariots, and focusing hard on being the best and offering the most value – For my own membership, I’ve been recognised as having brought the most visitors two years in a row.

We have redefined the company’s targets in line with the industry changes and business challenges:

1- Private homeowners and estate agents

2- Boiler contracts (social housing and private)

3- Mechanical (teaming up with main contractors or large electrical contractors to fulfil the mechanical side of the projects).

Our messaging is clear, as are our targets when attending BNI training or reaching out on BNI connect. By the way, this is such an under used tool. Although I think with going digital and cross chapter referrals on the app the BNI community itself becomes more accessible and there will be even more relationships and business to be had.

We have formed strategic alliances with other BNI members, so we can offer, commercial, electrical and drainage under our banner.

We also offer out of hours services too

There is also a great deal happening regarding marketing and innovation of the ways we operate, and the consumer can interact with us.  (All will be revealed but at present an NDA is required) Seriously. Exciting times are coming.

Individually; I work and coach my team of Marveleers, fellow BNI mentees and trades power team. I’m also fortunate enough to offer workshops and coaching, that I do in partnership with Lisa as a Business Catalyst or even construction catalyst with The Back Office.

The Marvel story can be related to so many other trades and I am often asked if I can work with them short or medium term.

This is certainly more of the type of work I want to be doing. Coaching, leadership, communication, operations, marketing and educating others in how to master and avoid every conceivable error I’ve made at BNI or in business alongside ensuring Marvel’s goals are met. For me it all fits together.

Regarding BNI

Its certainly in my mind to return to the DC and the training team. There was a huge amount of personal development during that three-year span so to rule it out would be short sighted, should it be a possibility from their point of view.

Believe it or not I’ve tried to keep this short: my social media will be a wash with BNI related memories, socials and trainings. Its apart of my life and lifestyle. I’ve found mentors and I’ve made friends for life- genuine 3 am in the morning I am there, friends.

Final bits of advice for any member

  • Mindset is everything
  • Education without action is a waste of everyone’s time
  • The real value comes in the second and third years and beyond
  • BNI is work, work is lifestyle, 1-1s are business meetings- everything is linked.
  • All of this is a choice. Immerse yourself for the best results. Put in 50% you’ll get 50% back.
  • Personal and business development is essential and continuous.

The minute you say out loud “I don’t know everything” life begins to change. We are in the information age- books, seminars, mentors, e-books and audiobooks are available on every conceivable subject. It’s your responsibility to educate yourself and take action.

You’re never to busy. It’s a matter of priority.

I think of it this way- How can the mindset of an MD turning over 100k vs £1million be the same? What if I am that MD and I am growing that business?


Thankyou’s and mentions

  • Lisa Catto for creating Marvel with me – for being there for me at every opportunity and having my back when I don’t even know it – and for continuing to support me whether I am being the Hulk, Superman, The Captain or just a spoilt child
  • Tim Nicolaou for being a fantastic mentor and friend – and for trusting me with your business.
  • Charlie Lawson and Tim Cook for supporting my BNI journey and welcoming me on the DC team.
  • BNI head office staff specifically Joanne Lyons, who looked after our region.
  • Fortune Chapter. All of you. Past and present members.  For what you have taught me, whether I liked it or not.
  • Rob Harris for inviting me.
  • Matthew Chant for training me.

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